Friday, September 2, 2011

No Honor Among Thieves

I steal ideas and I am not apologizing!  I deeply admire wonderfully happy people who seemingly live in a state of carefree happenstance.  They brightly shine and I try to steal their secrets to polish my own life.

Years ago an art professor and I were discussing our love for art magazines.  I discovered that she made a huge event from the arrival and the reading of her favorite magazine.  She would not turn single page until she had peaceful surroundings. Deep within her chair and surrounded by stillness and aroma of coffee, she mined all possible enjoyment from a single endeavor.

Her idea was amazing.  I thought she made Einstein look like a fool. I wondered why she was not running for governor or the president.  She at least needed her own talk show or advice column. 

Stealing her idea, I now harvest enjoyment from a morning cup of coffee.  I attempt to obtain very fiber of enjoyment within an hour…..or two….or three….or a day.

Walk slow and wander a bit. 
And as always, be good to  you. 

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