Wednesday, August 24, 2011

eye test

Recently I had an eye examine. I am getting older and my peepers are aging with my body.  Apparently eyes are a body part.  My wife, giving moral support, was present during the examination.  The following is a top secret transcript from the examination or interrogation room.

"Sir, please read the smallest line possible"

"Could you change the chart and get bigger letters?"

"OK, how about now?"

"Hmmmmm  B  X  R  T,"  struggling to decipher the images I assumed a trend of letters and said,  "a backwards E!  Yes, a backwards E!"

"Sir, that is a 3."

"OH! a 3!"  in the background I heard my wife groan.

Later I was informed that I am farsighted. I asked if that means I could see the future.

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