Thursday, October 27, 2011

Your thoughts? I Don't Want to Hear Them

I, Larry, without emotional or physical duress freely attest that I am a messy person. I have the messy gene.  This gene is blatantly apparent when I do anything creative with ink or oil.  Like illegal aliens longing for freedom, paint migrates from my brushes and canvas to my hands. From my hands, paint is transferred to my forehead. Apparently I can’t think without touching my head, and ears.   Yet the biggest victim of migrating paint is my clothing.  Many of my favorite shirts have inkblots or paint smears and I look like a walking psychological test.  Crazy people walk past me and say, “Butterfly!”

So, I have decided on a protective layer of cloth. First, I pondered an apron but the word "apron" has too many womanly connotations.  I am a manly man….cough   I even tried replacing the word “apron” with the word “smock” but smock sounds silly.   I landed on the idea of using a long sleeved large shirt.  Well, technically the shirt is an extra-extra large.  (Kindly keep your thoughts to yourself).  The shirt has to be VASTLY oversized to offer a large area of protection and to fit loosely over my clothing.  That is my story and I am sticking to it.

In other news, I am going on a diet and exercise regiment the very moment I post this blog. 


badthing1 said...

I have an idea, some shirts, pants and socks specifically to be worn to allow the paint to live free. Put them in a special place and when you are ready to dance, sing and mess, become one with them.


Your're an artist. ;)

Unknown said...

When i was reading your comment for some reason the song "Born Free" would not leave my mind!

Messes are not that bad.....I suppose!