Sunday, September 4, 2011

My Mad Man Skills

I have good man skills.  I can mow the yard in straight lines and I can carry to trash to the curb without falling and breaking bones.  However recently I did break my hand running around like a fool playing with my best friend, Nellie my lab. 

Repairing broken items is normally categorized as a husband endeavor around our home.  Nellie, yes the dog who caused my broken hand, fell deeply in love with the cabling that provides the phone and net connection.  In the mind of our chocolate lab love is the same as to chewing, shredding, and then destroying. So, our cabling was loved to death.  Instead of calling the cable company, I decided that the repair was my job.

The very blog is evidence that I do indeed have mad man skills in the arena of repair. There is only one problem.  When we get a phone call, we lose connection to the net.

I think that I need to call the cable company. 


MultipleMum said...

Sounds like a plan! All of that with a broken hand though? Pretty impressive. Thanks for your comment on my guest post at Diminishing Lucy's. I had to read it a couple of times but I think I caught your meaning! x

Unknown said...

all is good!

Thanks for the visit. I am just now taking a interest in blogging and doing things like actually following blogs. It very enjoyable!

I wish you much luck!