Saturday, September 1, 2012

To You

I want to make a point the mission of my art  Hopefully,  I do not seem arrogant placing a mission on my artistic endeavors  because I am not a good painter.  Yet, even lowly artists like myself should have a message: a goal, a cause. Artists change things.

I strongly focus on single objects in a vastness. Often the item is damaged, weathered, or oddly shaped. This message is purposeful.

In our lives, we are suppressed. We are told we are too short or too tall.  We judged to lack articulation and aptitude.  We condemned to be too ugly, too skinny, too fat. In these judgements, we lose confidence in our dreams and our abilities. We lose our sense self and we begin to judge ourselves through the perception of others.

Now for a moment please ponder this tree. The tree is warped and twisted.  The tree does not stand as tall as its brothers who sway lazily in the wind.  In reality, this tree rests along a busy road and the tree is ignored by people who are move too quickly for the simple consideration of a leaning tree. Yet, I attest this tree is beautiful.

Now, if a simple deformed tree is beautiful then how should we judge ourselves?  Are we not intrinsically  more beautiful?